The Walton Society is pleased to report an application for 27 flats at 4-6 Oatlands Drive has been refused by the Planning Inspectorate.
The developers appealed to the Planning Inspectorate after Elmbridge Borough Council did not determine the application in the prescribed period. However, the Council stated during the appeal it would have refused the application due to proposed impacts on the character and appearance of the area, trees, living conditions of the neighbouring properties and the lack of affordable housing contributions.
In her report, the Inspector concluded that the proposal would cause "significant the character and appearance of the street scene and the area". She also gave "substantial weight" that the site is "in an area at high risk of flooding, resulting in unjustified flood risk to people and property". She stated it would fail to make adequate provision for affordable housing,
However, the Inspector stated it was an "accessible location" and dismissed residents concerns about traffic, stating "I note the traffic, highway and parking concerns raised by local residents. However, the highway authority [Surrey County Council] has not raised any objections and I have no reason to come to a different conclusion." She also stated the proposal would make a "valuable contribution to the supply of housing within Elmbridge". She also decided the proposal "would not have a materially harmful impact on the living conditions of nearby residents due to noise and privacy."
The report concluded that "the adverse impacts of granting permission would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits" and therefore she refused the appeal. The full report can be read here: